
How To Tell For Sure If You Have Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a very common mental health problem that affects over 500,000 Australians that we currently know of. It is important to mention the fact that we don't fully know how many people suffer from bipolar disorder because it can be very hard to pinpoint, and often it takes months of appointments, sessions and failed treatment before bipolar disorder is properly diagnosed. If you suspect that you have many of the symptoms that are consistent with bipolar disorder, then why not ask for a genetic screening to make sure?

When Asthma Clinics Should be Used

Asthma is a common health condition which affects the lungs. The severity of symptoms varies. Symptoms include coughing and wheezing. During an asthma attack, the lungs become inflamed and the muscles that regulate breathing become constricted, causing difficulty in breathing. Asthma attacks can be life-threatening for those with severe asthma. Asthma attacks can occur during stressful periods, exposure to pollen, exercising or when the air is cold. There is not conclusive evidence regarding what causes asthma.

Treating severe acid reflux after a gastric bypass

Gastric bypass is one of the most effective ways of helping people who are morbidly obese to reduce their calorie consumption and lose weight. During the surgery, the surgeon cuts off the top of the stomach and seals it off from the rest of the stomach, reducing the amount of food that your stomach can hold. The doctor then cuts a small part of the ileum and attaches it to the stomach, which reduces the amount of food which will be absorbed by the body.

Thyroid Cancer: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment Options

Thyroid cancer is a cancer which affects a gland in the neck which is called the thyroid gland. Understanding the symptoms of thyroid cancer can help you to catch it as quickly as possible. As with all cancers, the sooner treatment is started, the better the prognosis. Below is a guide to the symptoms of thyroid cancer and the treatments which are available to combat the disease. Symptoms The symptoms of thyroid cancer may include the following:

Essential Clarifications on Hearing Aids

Are you considering a hearing aid? If it's your first time receiving one, the process is sometimes daunting. Clearing up some myths and worries will help you feel more comfortable with your new hearing device. They're big and unsightly While there was once a time when hearing aids were bulky, today they're much smaller. In some cases, you might even benefit from an 'invisible' hearing aid, but you should let your audiologist advise you as to whether that's right for you.